International Management and Leadership (Euro-Africa Context) - Namibia University of Science and Technology


Namibia University of Science and Technology


To be determined. (TBD) Coordinated by Hylton Villet

Title of course

International Management and Leadership (Euro-Africa Context)



Degree: Bachelor

Semester: 1

Date start of the course: tbd

Date end of the course: tbd

Time: t.b.a

Subject area: Economy

Participation via:

MS Teams



The course is based on an international management and leadership analysis, experience and training comprising behavioural, situational, cultural and normative aspects of leadership and management in an international environment, especially in the Euro-African context. Concerning research, an emphasis is laid on Ghoshals model theory of developing international business and of Hofstede’s and Hall’s approaches towards an empirical description of the dimensions of cross cultural management. After 6 days of theoretical and case analysis, 6 days of experience and one day for reflection are foreseen. International and cross cultural leadership: 1) Behavioural leadership approaches 2) Situational leadership 3) Hofstede’s dimensions of culture 4) Globe Consortium’s dimensions of culture International Management: 1) Ghoshals model of international business 2) European Union and Trade Alliances 3) Developing Cultural Intelligence


Conditions of Participation



Teaching Methods

Problem based teaching (Case studies)


Learning outcomes / Competences

Comprehensive Learning outcome Evaluate cutting edge management theory and practice based on the internationalisation of organisations and markets within the bilateral Euro-African context. Specific Learning outcomes Upon successful completion of this course students will, through assessment activities, show evidence of their ability to: 1. Evaluate critical cross cultural concepts of management and leadership to enhance business growth and innovation. 2. Appraise alternative approaches of Hofstede and Globe Consortium towards recognising different cross cultural dimensions of management. 3. Evaluate the trade-off between control, cost and investment risk in international business.


Forms of examination

The course will be assessed using diversified continuous assessment methods consisting of:1 Project Specific Paper (PSP) 2 Presentations (P, cases) 3 Written case analysis The PSP requires that the student (1) describes a problem/ challenge of international management practice, (2) discusses and ranks problem solutions affiliated to the different approaches of general management by giving a (3) rationale for the preferred approach of problem solving. Additional criteria are the (4) full compliance with international standards of research work, (5) the scope of content, the (6) logic and strength of argumentation, the (7) match between chosen approach / methodology and subject. For the 7 criteria, an evaluation table for the examiner will be provided. The same criteria, mentioned above, will be applied to the presentations and, in addition, (8) the ability of the student to communicate and explain his/her findings to a specialist audience will be evaluated.


Conditions for allocation of credit points



Other information

Recommended Reading: Ghoshal, S. (1987): Global Strategy: An Organizing Framework Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 8, No. 5 (Sep. - Oct., 1987), pp. 425-440 Dennison, D. R. / Hooiibeg, R. / Quinn, R. E. (1995): Paradox and Performance: Toward a Theory of Behavioral Complexity in Managerial Leadership Organisation Science, Vol. 6, No. 5 (Sep. - Oct., 1995), pp. 524-540 Staehle, W. H. (1976): Situational Approach to Management Management International Review, Vol. 16, No. 3 (1976), pp. 59-69 Chironga, M. / Leke, A. / Lund, S. / van Wamelen A. (2011): Cracking the next growth Market, Africa, in: HBR May 1st, 2011, HBS one point download Chu, M. (2012): Play it safe at home, or take a risk abroad?, in: HBR Jan 1st, 2012, HBS one point download Trumbull, G. / Choi, D. (2010): The Road to Lisbon, HBS one point download Sibenenius, J.K., (2002): Hidden Challenge of Cross Border Negotiations, HBS one point download Lehrer, M. (2000): Has Germany finally fixed its high-tech problem? The recent boom in German technology based entrepreneurship, HBS one point download Steenkamp, J-B. / Geyskens, I. (2012): Transaction cost economics and the roles of national culture: a test of hypotheses based on Inglehart and Hofstede Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Mar 2012, Vol. 40 Issue 2, p252-270. 19p.DOI: 10.1007/s11747-011-0266-1. Maseland, R. / van Horn, A. (2009): Explaining the Negative Correlation between Values and Practices: A Note on the Hofstede–Globe Debate in: Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 40, No. 3 (Apr., 2009), pp. 527-532 Javidan, M. E.a. (2006): Conceptualizing and Measuring Cultures and Their Consequences: A Comparative Review of GLOBE's and Hofstede's Approaches, in: Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 37, No. 6, Three Lenses on the Multinational Enterprise: Politics, Corruption and Corporate Social Responsibility (Nov., 2006), pp. 897-914 Hofstede, G. (1983): National Cultures in Four Dimensions: A Research-Based Theory of Cultural Differences among Nations, in: International Studies of Management & Organisation, Vol. 13, No. 1/2, Cross-Cultural Management: II. Empirical Studies (Spring - Summer, 1983), pp. 46-74 Hofstede, G. (1998): Think Locally, Act Globally: Cultural Constraints in Personnel Management, in: MIR: Management International Review, Vol. 38, Cross-Cultural and Comparative International Human Resource Management (1998), pp. 7-26 Hofstede, G. (1981): Culture and Organisations, in: International Studies of Management & Organisation, Vol. 10, No. 4, Organisations and Societies (Winter, 1980/1981), pp. 15-41 Giberson, T. R., e.a. (2009): Leadership and Organisational Culture: Linking CEO Characteristics to Cultural Values in: Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 24, No. 2 (Jun., 2009), pp. 123-137 Baligh, H.H. (1994): Components of Culture: Nature, Interconnections, and Relevance to the Decisions on the Organisation Structure in: Management Science, Vol. 40, No. 1, Focused Issue: Is Management Science International? (Jan., 1994), pp. 14-27 Cases: HP-GSB Proprietary cases and licensed cases out of the HBS database or out of the textbook(s) companion site.Prescribed Textbooks: Robert, M. Grant, (2012): Contemporary Strategy Analysis, Text and Cases, Wiley & Sons, Chichester Daft, R., (2011): New Era of Management, International 10th revised edit, South Western, NY e.a. Inclusive support packages delivering innovative solutions, from course management tools to new video cases and a premium website that helps ensure students reach their full management potential